
Macbeth Parody Poems

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While reading Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, we explored the couplet as a poetic form.  I performed the witches' scene from Macbeth and students experimented with parody to write their own witch scenes.  Below, is an excerpt from Macbeth. The students' work  is quite creative. They truly had fun with this assignment!
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Fillet of a fenny snake
In the caudron, boil and bake
Eye of newt and toe of frog
Wool of bat and tongue of dog
Adder's fork and blind worm's sting
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing
For a charm of powerful trouble
Like a hellbroth boil and bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
-William Shakespeare

Recipe for a Nice Dad
Frog legs
Tail of rat
Chicken bones
Wing of bat
Some rattlesnake
Sliced very thin
rabbit fur
An evil grin
Throw it all
in the pot
Now, one nice
Dad you've got!
Mix it, Stir it
In the pot
Soon , a warty
Frog you've got
Wing of fly
Toe of dog
Spider web
Head of frog
Old shoelace
rabbit face
rotten tomatoes
moldy potatoes
wing of bat
whisker of cat
Mix it, Stir it
In the pot
Now, a warty
frog you've got
Recipe to Make You Disappear
Stir it well, have no fear
Soon you will disappear
Head of troll, wing of bat
Scarecrow straw, tail of rat
Spiderwebs and lizard guts
Skeleton and shaggy mutts
Witch's broom, vampire's tooth
Now, watch the cauldron, POOF!
Ghost's wail and werewolf's howl
Goblin's grin and wing of owl
Scary gargoyle, smashed to bits
Drinking this will give you fits
Stir it well, have no fear
Soon you will disappear
Recipe to End Homework
Ding, dong the witch is dead
Stir in a shrunken head
Vampire teeth and leg of frog
Squashed pumpkin, wisp of fog
Throw in some Halloween candy
Hershey Kisses would be dandy
Sprinkle skittles in the brew
Add a dash of Halloween BOO
Mix in some students' screams
Now some flashlight beams
Stir it all up together
End homework now and forever
Spell to Make You Disappear
Witch's broom
Pumpkin seeds
Trick or Treaters
Dried up weeds
Rotten candy
Ghosts wail
Eye of wolf
One rusty nail
Wing of bat
Meow of cat
Add one horse's ear
Now you will disappear!
Dim Sum Buns
Fun sum buns
Big pork eyes buns
small chicken wing buns
long snake buns
short cat tail buns
fat worms buns
skinny roach buns
Dim sum buns
Fun sum buns


Stir it, mix it, stir it well
Soon, you'll have a nasty spell
Wing of bat and cat's tail
Bad man's teeth and rusty nail
My best friend's finger, throw it in
Wolf's blood and an evil grin
Snake eyes and ghost that glows
Lizard lips and witch's nose
Now throw in a monkey's ear
And watch the school disappear
Stir it, mix it, stir it well
Now you have a nasty spell
Dribble, dribble, jump and shoot
Make that basket through the hoop
Shoe of Michael Jordan, spark of lightning
He can't be stopped, he's really frightening
It's true I want to be like Mike
And wear the shoes with his best friend, Spike
Just like Batman, I'm on my game
Smart, good shooter, defender, sane
Dribble, dribble, jump and shoot
Make that basket through the hoop
Zoom, zoom, fly and land
Give me flight, that's the plan
Splinter of a witch's broom
In the cauldron, will make me zoom
Eye of cat and one bat's wing
Will give me height and make me sing
Eagle's wings is the doctor's pill
In the cauldron..give me pilot's skill
Zoom, zoom, fly and land
Give me flight, that's the plan
Recipe To Turn You Into A Monster
Stir the pot, make some trouble
Watch your brew boil and bubble
Eye of cat, a guillotine
Fear of goblins, a piercing scream
Pig's feet, Grim Reaper's scythe
Frog's legs and banshee's cry
Eye of fear, werewolf's howl
Full moon and wing of owl
Sliver of the darkest night
Now you're a monster, what a fright!
Stir the pot, make some trouble
Watch your brew boil and bubble
Brew to Make Homework Disappear
Dance around the cauldron fast
Homework will be gone at last
Witch's nose, vampire's fang
Ghostly moan, a cup of Tang
Werewolf fur, heart of  frog
Brain of goblin, eye of dog
Stir it all up together
Say "homework's gone forever!"
Dance around the cauldron fast
Homework will be gone at last

Recipe to Win a Soccer Game
Kick, kick, kick the ball
win a trophy, very tall
Tongue of tiger goes in the pot
tail of dog, it's very hot!
Dump in some green grass
It will make you go very fast
Add in meat of mole
to help you score a goal
Elephant ears, add a lump
frog's feet make you jump
Toss in half a hippo's head
A soccer player, good and dead
A wolverine from Watkins Mill
A stinky skunk will give you skill
Kick, kick, kick the ball
Win a trophy, very tall!
Ibrahim 2012
Spell to Keep Out of Trouble
Throw things in, one by one
Soon your spell will be done
Foot of dog and baby snake
In the pot, boil and bake
One dead flower and a frog
Two live worms and some fog
Pig's meat and tail of cat
Lizard lips and wing of bat
Throw things in one by one
Now your evil spell is done
Recipe for Eternal Life
Round about the steaming pot
Soon a scary spell you've got
Eye of cat, tongue of cow
Pig's feet and ear of sow
Bony finger from a corpse
Tail from an aging horse
One hawk feather, an old shoe
Moldy bread and some dog doo
Sour milk and stinky cheese
When you drink it, you will sneeze
The taste alone will make you cry
But at least you'll never die
Round about the steaming pot
Soon, a scary  spell you've got
Spell to Destroy the Mean Woman
Nice, Nice, sugar and spice
Destroy the mean woman and her vice
She thinks that I'm incorrigible
But it's just that she's so horrible
When my mother drops me off
Mean woman hides and at me, scoffs
I'm always in my chair, she thinks I'm lazy
If I didn't know better, I'd say she's crazy
Nice, Nice, sugar and spice
Destroy the mean woman and her vice
Recipe to Make People Quiet
Turn it, mix it, turn it well
Now you have a witch's spell
Wing of bat and tail of cat
Ghostly bones and witch's hat
Eye of wolf and scorpion's sting
Now you won't hear a thing
Turn it, mix it, turn it well
Now you have a witch's spell
Spell to Turn You into a Demon
Round and round the cauldron go
Where you stop, nobody knows
Devil's horn and a brain
Pig's feet and lots of rain
Tail of pig, eye of snake
In the cauldron, boil and bake
Human skull, tongue of dog
Cat's whiskers and some fog
Boil it all for one whole week
You'll find the demon you seek
Round and round the cauldron go
Where you stop, nobody knows
Recipe to Make a Wish Come True
Stir it, mix it really well
Then you'll have a special spell
Spider's web and lizard's leg
Zombie head and dragon's egg
Goblin's eye and ghost's boo
Alligator tooth and frog toe, too
Vampire head and werewolf fang
Now you will hear a scary bang
Stir up your evil brew
Your wish will now come true
Mix it, stir it , really well
Then you'll have a special spell
Recipe to Make Money
More money, more money
Get some honey
Horse shoes, little green hat
Green leaf, wing of bat
Claw of cat, a human nose,
Rabbit ears and lizard toes
Raggedy pants, a golden chain
Black hair and acid rain
Stir it all and you will see
Just how rich you will be
More money, more money
Get some honey



One can never consent to creep when one feels the impulse to soar...
-Helen Keller