You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a hawk, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your words
You may taunt me with your eyes
I will not vanish
Like a phoenix, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you see
That I will surpass you
And just let me be
Like the moon
With the strength of a wolf
Just like a howl
I rise
I rise
I rise
-Trevone 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a bird, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your teasing
You may hate me with your eyes
I will not give up
Like the ocean, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you see
That I am Tinkerbell?
If only you'd believe
Like the ocean
With the strength of my father
Just like the sky
I rise
I rise
I rise
Lauren 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like the sun, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your words
You may kill me with your eyes
I will not fight
Like the moon, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you understand
That I am just like you
And just reach out your hand?
Like the stars
With the strength of the waves
Just like the moon
I rise
I rise
I rise
Tony 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a phoenix, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your words
You may cut me with your eyes
I will not give up
Like the sun, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you just understand
That I'm a member of the human race
And reach for my hand?
Like the stars
With the strength of life
Just like a God in Heaven
I rise with the sun
I rise with the Earth
I rise with nature
Jafar 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like fog, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your looks
You may eat me with your eyes
I will not give up
Like the sun, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you understand
That I'm a loving person?
Can you just take my hand?
Like the mist
With the strength of lightning
Just like a hawk
I rise
I rise
I rise
Kevin 2012


Maya Angelou Tribute Poems
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After reading poetry by Maya Angelou, students wrote tribute poems to honor her poem, Still I Rise,  using a poem template. Many chose the same theme...rising above their own unique challenges.

You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a flower, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your disbelief
You may kill me with your eyes
I will not fall
Like a flame, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you understand
That I can do what I please?
Just offer me your hand
Like the sun in the morning
With the strength of mother
Just like a bird
I rise
I rise
I rise
Patricia 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a star, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your words
You may hurt me with your eyes
I will not give up
Like a star, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you accept
That I am different?
This is the way I want to be
Like the stars
With the strength of my mother
Just like a star
I rise
I rise
I rise
Nicole 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a basketball, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your attitude
You may see me with your eyes
I will not stay in high school forever
Like a star, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you believe
That I can grow to be six foot seven
and a basketball player?
Like the sun
With the strength of a rock
Just like a falcon
I rise
I rise
I rise
Stefan 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a star, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your lies
You may see me with your eyes
I will not give up
Like a star, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you see
That I am a good person
And just let me be
Like the bluejay
With the strength of iron
Just like a star
I rise
I rise
I rise
Stephanie 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like smoke, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your feelings
You may see me with your eyes
I will not be held back
Like a sun, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you understand
That we are just different
and give me your hand?
Like fire
With the strength of trees
Just like a star
I rise
I rise
I rise
Lorenzo  2012

You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a sun, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your words
You may stab me with your eyes
I will not give up
Like a star, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you understand
That I feel disappointed
And just reach out your hand?
Like a Baltimore Oriole
With the strength of Batman
Just like the Bald Eagle
I rise
I rise
I rise
Gerald 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a butterfly, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your words
You may tease me with your eyes
I will not listen
Like a butterfly, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you just understand
That I only wish
I could talk and stand?
Like the beauty of a flower
With the strength of the moon
Just like a butterfly
I rise
I rise
I rise
Lizzie 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a cloud, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your looks
You may hurt me with your eyes
I will not hurt you
Like a cloud, I'll rise
Jeremy 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like smoke I'll rise
You may hurt me with your words
You may find me with your eyes
I will not play games
Like the moon, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you see
That I play beautiful music
And just let me be
Like the trees
With the strength of wind
Just like the sun
I rise
I rise
I rise
Fayemi 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a eagle, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your laughs
You may stare at me with your eyes
I will not back down
Like a fire, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you see
That I am just like you
and you are just a bully?
Like the moon in the sky
With the strength of a lion
Just like an owl
I rise
I rise
I rise
Ibrahim 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a fire, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your anger
You may hate me with your eyes
I will not be broken
Like the ocean, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you believe
That I can be independent
Won't you try to see?
Like an angel
With the strength of a lion
Just like an eagle
I rise
I rise
I rise
Erick 2012
You may not believe
All I want to try
You may try to crush my dreams
But like a bird, I'll rise
You may hurt me with your fists
You may hurt me with your eyes
I will not hit back
Like a bird, I'll rise
Do my differences upset you?
Why can't you see
That I 'm a nice guy
and be nice to me?
Like the fireworks in the sky
With the strength of diamonds
Just like a bird
I rise
I rise
I rise
Derrick 2012

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