Ode to the Eagles!
I am at Eagles Stadium
watching the game. I
hear cheering for the
quarterback. Snacking
on chips,fries, and hot
dogs, I hear the fans
yell. The football flies
through the air. Michael
Vick scores! Eagles win!
Sanjeev 2012
Ode to Tupac
Bald, black rapper,
young, intelligent man
He lived  a tough life.
I can hear his fans
cheering to the sound
of thumping music. The
crowd is going crazy.
Rhyming words fill my
ears. He made millions.
Sad, violent death.
Tony 2012
Ode to Wings
I want those wings! Hot
wings, drippy with hot
sauce. I like mine with
lots of spices. Firey hot,
they burn my tongue. I
love licking the sauce
off my fingers. I can
hear those wings sizzling
right now! Lip-smackin'
Eric 2012
Ode to Ice Cream
It can  be cold, soft,
or hard.  It smells
good and sweet. It
comes in a box.
and chunky, it
tastes sweet and
delicious! I love
ice cream!
Ode to Sweet Potatoes
The smell of cinnamon
fills my nose.  Sweet
potatoes piled high
on my plate,like clouds.
Reddish-brown and soft,
sweet and gushy, they
slide down my throat,
making me feel warm
Ode to Pizza
It's good...there is
stringy, melted cheese,
onions, and ground
beef.  It smells perfect
in the oven.  Tastes
delicious!  Domino's
is my favorite...best
pizza in the world!
Ode to Tamales
Hot, smooth, and
soft, my tamales.
Filled with hot
chicken or beef,
they are warm
and tasty. One
of my favorites!



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Before writing their own odes, students listened to odes by Pablo Naruda and Gary Soto.  Odes are poems written to show love for people, places, or things. They  are made up of sentences, descriptive words, and phrases.

Ode To Pizza
Warm crust
Spicy cheese crust
Lots of pepperoni
It can be round or
square. Always flat
and cheesy,
My pizza!
Evan 2012
Ode To Monster!
Gotta have my Monster!
It is bubbly, good, and
refreshing. When the can
opens, it sizzles, like ocean
waves. Orange, green apple,
vanilla, cherry...I love them
all!  It makes me crazy. When
I am all juiced up, I get
jittery. You can buy it in a
big, cold, can. It's my
favorite drink. Gotta have
My Monster!
Kevin 2012
Ode to Chocolate
Chocolate is...
The spice of life. There is
Dark chocolate, milk
chocolate,and white
chocolate.  It can be
flat, round, in sections,
or in rolls. It sounds
lip-smackin' good,
when I eat it.  It can
be hard or soft, chewy or
so smooth, it just melts
in your mouth.  It smells
good and tastes yummy!
My favorite is any kind
of M & Ms.
Ode to KFC
I love KFC! Tender,
juicy and crispy, it
meltsin my mouth. 
It is brownor golden,
spicy and hot.  Just
the smell makes me
hungry. Love that
Ode to Mac & Cheese
It is soft, chewy, and
sticky.  Orange, creamy,
curvy noodles taste
spicy, hot, and delicious!
Ode to Salmon
Soft, flaky, fresh
and pink, with silver
skin, salmon is my
favorite fish.  I can
hear it sizzling in the
pan.  There are lots
of ways to make salmon...
teriyaki, barbecue,
seasoned, in salads,
broiled, grilled, baked,
or fried...with rice pilaf.
But, any way you make it,
it's delicious!
Ode to the Tortilla
Hot, kind of rough, it
makes me hungry, my
tortilla.  It can be
round, big, or small,
soft and golden, with
black specks.  The smell
of hot oil fills my nose.
It makes me feel warm
Ode to Tacos
How crunchy and loud to
the ear. Rough and greasy
to the touch. One sniff
makes me feel hungry.
I can hardly wait to taste
them...spicy and hot!

Ode to a Chick
A soft, fluffy chick,
cute and small
sweetly chirping for
it's mother. A bright
sign of spring, making
children smile on
Easter Day. Tiny
fingers petting soft
yellow feathers. Growing
up too fast- Oh, what a
beautiful baby duck!
Lizzy 2012
Ode to Apple Pie
Apple pie, my favorite
dessert! A golden brown
circle of crust, filled
with cinnamon, spicy
nutmeg, and sweet
apples. How I love my
Apple Pie!
Roger 2012
Ode to Cerviche
It is cold, slimy,
squishy and fishy,
My Cerviche.  I
taste lemon and
pepper when I eat
it.  It is cut into
little squares,
wobbly and delicious!
Ode to Chicken
Chicken is ...
greasy, tan,
crunchy in
my mouth.
Ode to Chinese Food
It can be hard, greasy,
or soft.  I smell spices
and hot oil.  It comes
in a carton.  Crunchy,
munchy eggrolls, crisp
veggies and shrimp.
I love Chinese food!

Ode to Apple Pie
Apple pie, my favorite
dessert! A golden brown
circle of crust, filled
with cinnamon, spicy
nutmeg, and sweet
apples. How I love my
Apple Pie!
Roger 2012
Ode to Ice Cream
Is is so cold, smooth,
and smells sweet. It
is brown and white.
Tastes creamy, like
milk, my cookie
dough ice cream.
Ode to Chocolate
Chocolate is smooth,
brown, and sweet. Dark
brown, light brown, and
white.  It can be square,
rectangular, or a circle.
It melts on  my tongue.
I love chocolate!
Ode to Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolatey, soft, warm and
chewy, chocolate chip cookies
are my favorite.  They are
golden brown, with chocolate
chips hidden inside. I like them
crunchy around the edges, with
a soft center. They taste best
dipped in milk.