
AutoBio Poems

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AutoBio poems are written following a format and paint self-portraits with words.

athletlic, musical, strong
Son of Nigel and Jacqueline
Brother of Mike, April, and Antonette
Who loves basketball, videogames, band, reading, school, and work
Who hates cursing, Wendy's, Burger King, Mac & Cheese,
 and bad grades
Who fears bugs, evil, guns, and illegal noise
Who would like to go to Chicago
Who dreams of Jesus Christ and $500 billion
Who lives in Gaithersburg, Maryland
kind, fun, happy
Son of Roger and Junior
Brother of Emily
Who loves sports and soccer
Who hates onions and school
Who fears his sister
Who would like to go to El Salvador
Who dreams of being famous
Who lives in Gaithersburg, MD
happy, loving, helpful
Son of Tammy and Andre
Brother of Reina, Tima, and Lil Andre
Who loves to do tricks on his bike
Who hates when his bike breaks
Who fears spiders
Who would like to go to California
Who dreams of being a BMX racer
Who lives in Maryland

funny, good, happy
Son of Mohan and Rani
Brother of Shadesh and Sasi
Who loves Mom ,Dad, and the New York Giants
Who hates snakes, cats, and fish
Who fears blood and evil
Who would like to go to a movie theater in New York
Who dreams of Transformers 4
Who lives on Heatherford Court
happy, excited, glorious
Son of Marylee and Jeffrey
Brother of Nicole
Who loves school, family, and peanut butter fudge
Who hates mascots and people who get on my nerves
Who fears needles, spiders, and when my chair doesn't tilt all the way
Who would like to go someplace I have not been
Who dreams of curing cancer
Who lives in Montgomery Village
big, large, tough
Son of Fayemi and Christina
Brother of Lorenzo and Stefan
Who loves houses, school, basketball and flowers
Who hates dogs, cats, and birds
Who fears soft quiet
Who would like to go to school
Who dreams of sleep
Who lives in Maryland

funny, nice, helpful
Son of Donnetha and Victor
Brother of Kayla
Who loves family and chocolate chip cookies
Who hates oatmeal, peanut butter, adn carrots
Who fears Pit Bulls, snakes, and foxes
Who would like to go to a Bow Wow concert
Who dreams of being an NBA player
Who lives with Mom, Dad, and Kayla
funny, aggressive, happy
Son of Felicia and Gerald
Brother of Jaquan and CJ
Who loves hanging out with friends
Who hates changing schools
Who fears stinkbugs
Who would like to go to Las Vegas
Who dreams of becoming a billioniare
Who lives in Gaithersburg
funny, sweet, sensitive
Son of Eddy and Anabel
Brother of Danny, Manuel, Zuela, Myra, Claudia, and Carol
Who loves my Jenny
Who hates Danny when he is annoying
Who fears nothing
Who would like to go to Oregon
Who dreams of being with Jenny forever and ever
Who lives on Johnsbury Lane
kind, honest, beautiful
Daughter of Fernando and Carol
Who loves to play computer games
Who hates thunder and lightning
Who fears bugs crawling on her
Who would like to go to Peru
Who dreams fo talking and walking
Who lives in Clarksburg, Maryland
adventurous, funny, athletic
Son of Maryam and Daddy
Brother of Isma
Who loves Mom
Who hates The Miz
Who fears lizards
Who would like to go to Miami
Who dreams of being an NBA player
Who lives in Africa
friendly, feisty, moody
Daughter of Linda and Raymond
Sister of Shana, Raynique, Barbi, and Keara
Who loves shopping and hanging out
Who hates vegetables and annoying people
Who fears scary movies
Who would like to go to Trinidad
Who dreams of being a model
Who lives in Maryland

happy, loving, hopeful
Daughter of Delores
Sister of Crystal, Christina, Delonte, and Demontre
Who loves pizza, going to the mall, and soccer
Who hates school, snow, and football
Who fears snakes and spiders
Who would like to go to Miami
Who dreams of being a nurse
Who lives on Merust Lane
happy, nice, helpful
Daughter of Karen and Russell
An only child
Who loves coloring, Tinkerbell, and Rapunzel
Who hates lightning and thunder
Who fears spiders
Who would like to go to Disneyworld
Who dreams of Tinkerbell
Who lives with Mommy, Daddy, Cookie, and Venus
Son of Patty
Brother of DJ
Who loves to play video games, play ball, and watch movies
Who hates to do nothing
Who fears heights
Who would like to go to McDonald's
Who dreams of The Addams Family
Who lives at home
nice, hardworking, loyal
Who loves women
Who hates bees
Who fears nothing
Who dreams of going to New York City
Who lives in Gaithersburg, Maryland
Son of Tom and Paula
Brother of Peter
Who loves video games
Who would like to go to the beach

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