I have a dream that one day
the world will be peaceful.
Kevin 2012
I have a dream that one day
I 'll be an NBA player
Sanjeev 2012
I have a dream that one day
there will be peace
Jafar 2012
I have a dream that one day
I will play basketball
Jafar 2012
I have a dream that one day
I will have a job
Fayemi 2012
I have a dream that this nation
will shine forever
I have a dream that one day
I will achieve everything I
set out to do
I  have a dream that
my family loves me
every day
I have a dream that one day
I will become a musician
and a baller
Stefan 2012


"I Have a Dream" Poems
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Our class studied several famous black poets during Black History Month. We viewed a clip of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.  Students wrote about their dreams, using templates.

I have a dream that one day
I will be a nurse
I have dream that one day
I will be a mom
Stephanie 2012
I have a dream that one day
people will be happier
I have a dream that one day
people will be nice to one another
I have a dream that people will
stop fighting
I have a dream that people 
won't be judged by
the way they look
Lorenzo 2012

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